What is adaptive equipment?
Adaptive equipment is prescribed and used to assist a person with completing activities of daily living, including activities associated with work.
What are examples of adaptive equipment?
- Raised toilet seat to help when you can’t bend your knees or hips enough to sit and stand
- Built-up handled fork to help when you don’t have enough finger bending or grip
- Devices to assist with access to a computer
When is adaptive equipment needed?
While independence with daily activities is the goal, burn therapists provide patients with adaptive equipment as needed. Adaptive equipment is often issued for those individuals who have swelling and extensive dressings during the early stages of recovery. Once that stage is past, the adaptive equipment is often discontinued. Participating in daily tasks and activities helps increase function and preserve joint range of motion. This often makes long-term use of adaptive equipment unnecessary. People with significant and continuing limitations may need adaptive equipment on an ongoing basis.
When returning to work, some adaptive equipment may be necessary, although it is often temporary. Adaptive equipment can help an individual hold a tool at work, access a computer or workstation, or be able to use a piece of equipment. Before returning to work, it is helpful to perform tasks around the home that are similar to tasks that you would do on the job. This will steadily increase your work tolerance and help you regain strength, range of motion and confidence.